Monday, March 18, 2013

Wall Furniture revamp!

“Spring is the time of plans and projects.”
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

I couldn't decide on a paint colour, I spent hours in the paint section of the store. In desperate attempts to find inspiration I googled painted bookshelves and painted cabinets and nothing grabbed me. I was there so long the staff changed shifts and a fresh group of non-enthusiastic sales assistants asked if I needed help. I certainly needed help of some sort by the time I left. I was fit to scream. So I bought a heap of tester pots in pretty pastel colours and mixed them together at home until they looked good....

It's pine, the wood is nice it has an interesting pattern but it needs something...

It looks a little bit tired
The wood was bare, no varnish or oil so I brushed it down to get rid of dust and cobwebs. I painted a layer of Johnstone's quick dry primer undercoat in white. They don't dryed superfast I could practically paint it immediately.

Some of my favourite china
The sides are painted in Crown Ultimate matt finish for all surfaces. It is a great paint and gives a gorgeous chalky matt finish. The colour is Aqua light. I didn't mix this with any other colour it was perfect as it is.
The back was more of a challenge. I had a few colours for this, Johnstone's matt subtle pink, matt iced petal and dulux pistachio. I used all the iced petal (a medium beige) about one third of the pink and all the pistachio (very light beige). I painted two coats.
Shabby Chic Kitchen!
 Using a light grain sandpaper I distressed the shelf edges and the sides as well as a small part of the back. It was a bit too easy to get carried away at this point and I almost took off all my paint again. It's fun! A good tip is to keep a small bit of the original paint over so if you get a little over-enthusiastic with the sandpaper you can use your finger or a small brush to delicately smooth more paint over the mistake.
I like the finished piece. Turns out its the perfect place to display select pieces of my Beatrix Potter collection and my late Grandmothers china.

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